Social Media Education Key in the Workplace
For the past five years social media has continued to grow significantly in the professional arena as it becomes more entrenched in the workplace.
For employers this presents a number of opportunities to not only connect externally with clients and customers but also internally with employees. With these opportunities, however, comes multi layered and complex issues which employers need to manage.
As the blurring of the lines between personal and professional continues the risk management of these issues is substantial for employers. It is not only the reputational damage of an organisation that is at stake in terms of risk, it covers a myriad of other legal and operational issues. Whether it is defamatory comments, negative publicity in the form of rumours, posting of unconstructive or embarrassing information, or employees who criticise, these all have impacts on organisations. How an employer manages these concerns is crucial.
Moving forward education around social media and the workplace is vital. Here are some main points to consider:
Understand Social Media:
A majority of leaders and managers don’t understand social media. Employers need to educate themselves about social media, the technology and the consequences. They need to be proactive and find solutions.
Have a Social Media Policy:
All organisations whether large or small need a social media policy and guidelines in place around usage and expectations of social media. Without this there are no boundaries or limits.
Employers Need to Partner with Employees:
Working together with employees is much more effective that simply providing them with a list of what they can’t do on social media. This will not work. Instead provide training and education around expectations. It is about persuasion not coercion.
The impact of social media on workplaces will only continue to grow as social media usage increases both personally and professionally. Risk management of these issues is crucial in making sure that organisations minimise their risks where social media is concerned. Education is only one part of an overall multi-layered approach.
How do you manage social media in the workplace? Share your thoughts…..
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