How to Create Content for your Social Media Platforms
One of things most SMEs struggle with when it comes to social media is creating content for their platforms on a regular basis.
What you share or post on social media is content whether it’s a one line sentence or a link to an article or video. Social media content should not be randomly posted. It is important that there is a strategic element that reflects your overall business and marketing goal/s. The aim is to grab attention to focus on your expertise and skills. Overall, most networks really only need one quality post every day.
Here are some tips when putting together a content strategy for you social media platforms:
- Business goals: determine why you are creating/posting this content. This makes it part of a bigger overall marketing strategy which means there is a purpose to what you creating.
- Don’t forget the ‘social’ element in social media: this is what social media is about after all. Make it fun and engaging, be creative and even controversial.
- Share other people’s content: one thing that most people believe is that every post needs to be original content. This is important but so is sharing links, infograhpics or articles from other people.
- Make customers/clients the content: if you have a great story to tell, seek permission and broadcast the success. Everyone loves a story and it is a great way to demonstrate who you are and make an impact so that it resonates.
- Go beyond text: content doesn’t need to be all text. Try creating a video or podcast or post a link to an infographic. People love the visual especially online.
Add one of these suggestions to your social media postings and see how you go! Still struggling with content creation? Feel free to touch base with me.
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